
Prophecy of Rasputin on destruction of the Russian Earth

"... Poisons will embrace the Earth, as the passionate lover. And in deadly embrace, heavens will find death breath, and in water sources will be bitter, and many of these waters will be more poisonous rotten snake blood. People will die of water and air, but they will speak have died of heart and kidneys... And bitter waters will infect time, as marks for bitter waters will generate bitter times..."

"... Plants will be ill and will die one behind another. Woods become huge cemeteries and between dry trees the people stunned and poisoned with poisonous rains will aimlessly wander..."

"... There peace time will come, but the peace will be written by blood. And when two fires will go out, the third fire will burn ashes. It is not enough people and few things will remain but that will remain, should it is subjected new clarification before to enter into new paradise terrestrial..."

"... Have hammered in waves on the sea - has become it is disturbing on a shower. The person will lose an image of consciousness, goes as in a fog... My God, give silence sincere!"

"... There will come time when the sun begins to cry and its tears will fall to fiery sparks, burning plants and people. Deserts begin to come as the enraged horses without the horseman, and pastures will turn to sand, and the rivers become a rotten centre of the universe. The gentle grass of meadows and leaves of trees for two deserts will correct will disappear: desert of sand and desert of night. And under burning sun and an ice cold the life will go out."

"... I feel that should die before the new year come. But I wish to open, nevertheless, to Russian people, the Father, the Mother Russian and to Children that it is necessary to them. If I will be killed by simple robbers, my brothers - Russian peasants then you, the Tsar Russian, be not afraid, remain on a throne both correct, and be not afraid for the children for they will reign as early as hundred years and moreover. If I will be killed by noblemen on their hands there will be a blood washing, and 25 years they cannot wash off it. They should leave Russia. Then brothers will kill brothers, and will kill each other. And 25 years will not be noblemen in the state. The tsar of the earth Russian if to you the ring of the bell announcing is hated that have killed Grigory you should know it. If your relatives lead to my death anybody from your family - neither children, nor native does not remain in live in two years. They all will be killed by Russian people... Pray, pray and be strong, remember your sacred family".

"... Again I have rescued it, and I do not know how many time still I will rescue. But I will rescue it for predators. Every time as I embrace the tsar and the mother, both girls, and a tsarevitch, I shudder for horror as if I embrace dead persons... And then I pray for these people for in Russia they more all require it. And I ask for Romanov's all family because the shade of a long eclipse falls to them."

"... I see many people, huge human crowds and mountains of corpses. Among them it is a lot of grand dukes and counts. And their blood will empurple waters of Neva... There will be no rest to alive, and there will be no rest to dead. Through three moon after my death I again will be issued, and light becomes fire. Here then death will be free to soar in heavens and will fall even to ruling family."

"... People go to the Great Accident. The most inept will rule a vehicle. Both in Russia, and in France, both in Italy and in other places... The Mankind will be crushed by a gait of madmen and villains. Wisdom will chain in a chain. Ignorant and imperious will dictate laws wise and even to the restrained. And then the most part will believe in the mighty of this world, but will be undeceived in God... The Divinr Penalty will be not so soon, but will awful. And there will be it till the end of our century. Then, at last, wisdom will be released from chains and the person will trust again in God as the child trusts in mother. And on this way the person will come to paradise terrestrial".

"... Air, which enters into our lungs to bear a life, once will bring Death. Also there will come day when will not be neither mountains, nor hills, neither lakes, nor the seas which would not be shrouded by ominous breath of Death. And all people will inhale Death, and all people will die of poisons by which air will be filled."

"... There Time will come when the sun begins to cry and its tears will fall to the ground as fiery sparks, burning plants and people. Deserts begin to come as the enraged horses without the horseman, and pastures will turn to sand, and the rivers become a rotten centre of the universe. The grass of meadows and leaves of trees for two deserts will correct will disappear íåæåàÿ: desert of sand and desert of night. And under burning sun and an ice cold the life will go out."

"... Any revolution wishes to break slavery chains but when these chains are broken, another ones already ready. Since cave times nothing has changed and never will change, because the most artful, frequently the most corrupt always will impose himself to others. And depending on mood of the people, he will put on himself dictatorship or democracy clothes. But the person always will be the slave even if imagines that is free... Once, maybe, and to revive the free person, but the people always will be the slave".

"... Even more often you begin to see madness of your members. There, where the nature has created an order, the person will sow the disorder. And many will suffer because of this disorder. And many will die of a black plague. And when the plague will not kill more, kites begin to tear a flesh... Each person has in itself a great medicine, but the person-animal prefers to be treated by poisons."

Source: Prophecies of Rasputin