Sergey Nilus' Path to God

Life and creativity of the outstanding Russian spiritual writer Sergey Aleksandrovich Nilus is a vivid example of selfless service to Orthodoxy and Russia in the difficult times of the beginning of the XX century.

By his historical and really prophetical books Sergey Nilus has managed to make extraordinary bright and at the same time real picture of a spiritual life of Russia of that time.

The Lord has allocated in Sergey Nilus not only remarkable literary talent, but also special spiritual keenness, insight in interpretation of terrible signs of the beginning of the XX century.

Not casually he did the first publication of the records of conversations of Saint Seraphim Sarovsky with Nikolay Aleksandrovich Motovilov, "a spiritual message" about terrible and great future of Russia.

Other great Russian Saint John of Kronstadt has blest the writer on long works in the field of orthodox education which passed under fertile spiritual protection of Optinsky Saints.

Sergey Nilus (though and not without griefs) has peacefully worried ten years of the Soviet power and has died in Russia in 1928.

"On the bank of the Divine river", "the Relic under a bushel", other works of the writer enter us into the enigmatic world of Russian Orthodoxy, acquainting with surprising examples of self-sacrifice.

Source: Sergey Nilus' Path to God