Famous masons: Suvorov

The great commander, all battles finished by the victories, served to the higher military rank of the generalissimo, was the person mysterious. For all Russians is known his propensity to humourous catchphrases, to puns which was rather the form hiding other Suvorov - one of educated and the wisest people of that time, the person of huge kindness, surprising honesty and an unshakable call of duty.

Since an early youth Suvorov has fond to read and has not lost this propensity throughout all life. Only for foreign newspapers he annually spent unprecedented for those times the sum - about 300 roubles in a year.

He has told to painter Miller, painting its portrait: "your brush will represent features of mine: they are visible, but the internal person in me is hidden. I should tell to you that I poured blood streams. I tremble, but I love my near; in my life nobody I have made unfortunate, isn't signed any mortal sentence, have not crushed any insect!".

Probably, it was the unique military man in all Russian history, considering that the army discipline should not be based on cruelty and humiliation.

Only in his armies corporal punishments were not applied, oand the discipline was supported at the expense of the call of duty brought up at soldiers even after Pavel I accession, the supporter of German army discipline.

This the second "I", carefully disappearing by Suvorov from others, in many respects explain circumstances which had no direct communication with his external life and about which almost it was known nothing to the rest.

Its membership in the Brotherhood of Free Masons also concerns such circumstances.

The documents found out rather recently prove that Suvorov's participation in Masonic works was not casual. He has received dedication in the Petersburg lodge "Aux Trois Etoiles" ("To three Stars"), probably, in the end of Elizabeth's reign. Thus he wasn't limited simply to the introduction into the Brotherhood, but has passed several degrees.

At that time the freemasonry yet has not won wide liking by high society, therefore Suvorov entered the Brotherhood not on a fashion wave (that would be difficult to expect from it) but by deep spiritual necessity, and was one of the first Russian Free Masons.

Being in Prussia during Seven-year war and visiting the father in Kenigsberg, he visited a lodge "Zu den Drei Kronen" ("To three Crowns") and before the departure in the beginning of 1762 was registered in its structure and even has been erected in degree of the Scottish Master.

In particular, in the list of a Logde made on March, 16th, 1961 behind number 6 is registered Oberleutnant Alexander von Suworow.

It also limits documentary certificates of an accessory of the count Suvorov-Rymniksky to the Brotherhood of Free Masons. However known circumstances of his life - extreme religiousness, ascetism, constant struggle against the passions from which he always came out the winner - are especially characteristic for a freemasonry of that period.

And consequently the words of the great commander turned to posterity: "Any action to begin with divine blessing; to escape luxury, idleness, a self-interest and to search for glories through true and virtue which an essence my symbols" - can be accepted and for his Masonic catechism.

The historical encyclopaedia "the Freemasonry and masons: three centuries in Russia".